It is important to have a lighted path in order to see the way to go. ‘Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.’ God’s word serves as a lamp to a person on a dark night. In the darkness we can easily lose our way and fail to see what God would have us to do; but in the light we see more clearly the path to follow.
Let me give you an example using something that happened to me recently. I had put some apples to dry in my dehydrator the night before. When I arose at 6:30am, I laid the racks on the countertop and removed the dried apples. A little later as the sun was coming up, I looked over at my countertop and to my surprise I noticed quite a few dried apple crumbs on it. That’s strange, I thought. I never saw those at 6:30 this morning or I would have cleaned them up!
All of a sudden that scripture from Psalm 119:105 came back to my mind, ‘Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path’. It took the light of the sun to show me something I had failed to see in the darkness of the early morning. I decided to read this verse again in the Blue Bible App. I found that the Greek word for ‘lamp’ was ‘niyr’ which meant a candle or lamp. But the word for light was a different Greek word, ‘owr’, which meant light of day, morning light, or light of instruction.
So, the ‘lamp’ makes the path visible enough for our feet to walk on. But the ‘light’ is more like a beacon of instruction that teaches, instructs, and even corrects us, helping us to grow in Christ. Oh, how much I owe to those friendly beams of light, God’s word, which guide my life every day! If I did not allow his light to brighten up my way, I wouldn’t see those ‘apple crumbs’, those things God wanted to change and clean up in me. That experience was a good reminder that I wanted to be consistent in spending time in God’s Word so that he could show me what I couldn’t see by myself.
The App then led me to Proverbs 6:23, “For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the corrections or disciplines are the way to life.” As we meditate on God’s word we will find the wisdom that will provide for us a lighted path!