It can be helpful as you Journey to Wholeness to begin with some type of evaluation. Take this Wholeness Check-Up to determine where you may want to start in your personal growth.
The Journey to Wholeness is a life-long endeavor. It is a process of not only walking toward total health but of getting rid of the obstacles that weigh you down and throw you out of balance. It involves Letting Go and giving up your need to control things in your life.
You can either place your focus on an External Locus of Control which is on other people, places, things, conditions or situations in your life, which has an impact on your sense of feeling approved, recognized, wanted and loved. Or you can choose to place your focus on the Internal Locus of Control which is an inward focus, on your mind, heart and on the God who lives within you.
When you focus on the external locus of control you give external things power over you and how you feel about yourself, distorting the truth of who you are in Christ. (You might want to check out some other things that can disturb this Sense of Balance in your life as well.)
But when you stay focused on the internal locus of control you are empowered to grow in self-control and self-love, based on what God thinks of you. The externals, then, no longer have power to influence how you feel about them and no longer affect how you feel about yourself. You are then able to accept unconditionally all of these externals for what they are – rather than for what you wanted them to be.
With a lot less to focus on, you can more easily live in balance!