In my last blog, “Do you Believe God will Provide”? I reflected on the miraculous feeding of the five thousand (Mark 6). Several chapters later when Jesus wants to feed four thousand the disciples ask, “How are we supposed to find enough food to feed these people out here in the wilderness” (Mark 8:4). Why would they ask this when Jesus had already provided food for 5,000?
Part of the answer appears a few verses later when Jesus questions them, “Why are you discussing the fact that you don’t have any bread? Don’t you understand yet? Don’t you catch on? Are your minds closed? Are you blind and deaf? Don’t you remember? (Mark 8:17-18, NOG). Then he reminds them about both of the miracles he had done and all the food left over (Mark 8:19-21).
God spoke to my heart as I meditated on this scripture. I wanted to have a tender heart, instead of a stubborn one. I desired an open mind and a willing spirit that could help me stay in connection with God. I wanted to have eyes that were focused on him so I could see what he’s doing. And I wanted ears that were sensitive to hearing and recognizing his voice. What was their experience saying to me?
I believe the disciples were more concerned with what THEY CAN’T DO, instead of what JESUS CAN DO. They have allowed their attention to shift from Jesus to their present challenge. Scripture is clear that it’s essential to keep our eyes on Jesus (Heb. 12:2). Even the Psalmist says, “I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken” (Psa. 16:8, NIV, bold added). Staying focused on Jesus allows us to have a sense of God’s presence every moment. And it is the presence of Jesus that keeps the enemy at a distance and protects our heart from unbelief and anxiety. Here are two things that help me stay focused on Jesus:
First, I use a hand exercise you can find in my book, “Peace in Anxious Times”. Put your Right hand in front of your face; this represents a focus on Christ. Then put your Left hand behind your Right hand; your problem is now behind Jesus and harder to see. Right?
Now when you get anxious about a problem, doing the hand exercise can remind you that you have allowed the problem to become your focus. Simply put your hands in front of your face (Left hand in front) and exchange the position of your hands so Christ will
Secondly, I reset my schedule to prioritize a more consistent morning time with God, since being in his presence strengthens me for times when I might be tempted to lose my focus on Him.I was reminded of the illustration where you put some large rocks in a jar until it is filled to the top. You ask, “Is it full?” Yes! Then you add some small pebbles to the jar and they go into the small spaces around the rocks. And you ask? “Is it full?” Yes. Then you put some sand in and you fill all the places that the rocks and pebbles haven’t filled. Then you ask one more time, “Is it full?” Yes, yes, yes!
The rocks represent the priorities in our life, the most important things to do each day. The pebbles represent things we are able to do but they are not our first priorities. The sand represents the distractions and time wasters in our life. Unfortunately, the sand is where we sometimes spend most of our day. Things like, social media, running errands, watching TV, or allowing people and situations to demand too much of our time.
I would encourage you to sit down and make a list of what your rocks, pebbles, and sand are right now. And then, what do you want them to be? After that, come up with a schedule that allows you to prioritize the essentials and minimize the time wasters. I decided to schedule all of my appointments on one or two days a week when possible. Then I try to keep the other days open for things that are the most important priorities in my life. I can tell you that this has been a helpful process for me. There have been a few days that I couldn’t control, but overall I have been more effective in keeping my time with God and my other priorities. If you fill your day with pebbles and sand first, there will be no room for the rocks (your priorities)!
I also purchased a bible that had a lot of space for journaling, so I could not only read the Word but apply it to my life. I try to spend time each day thanking God (or writing in my Gratitude Journal), worshipping him with some worship songs on my phone, and doing 2-way journaling (between me and God) so I can hear God’s voice. It’s easier to just read the ‘words’ of the Bible, but that will keep God at an arm’s length in your life.
So, use the “Hand exercise” when you have lost your focus on Jesus. And be proactive in prioritizing time with God. Both of these will help you keep your eyes on Jesus! Always remember – Staying focused on Jesus is the Key!
(I’d love to know how you are doing as you try these two things. There is a place under the title of this blog for you to respond. (If you want to be aware of when I publish new blog posts, subscribe at “Get Updates” to be notified.)